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The Amy's Eden Blog

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Explore the Amy’s Eden blog for insightful articles on senior care, health tips, well-being, and the latest trends in the industry. Our blog offers valuable resources and expert advice to support seniors, their families, and caregivers in making informed decisions about their health and happiness. Stay connected with us and stay informed on all things related to senior care!

memory care requirements

Have you noticed a decline in cognitive and memory abilities as your loved one ages? In some individuals, this decline can be more pronounced, resulting in memory-related health conditions like dementia. Memory care facilities address the unique needs and challenges your loved one may experience once memory loss occurs. Memory

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sports therapist

When we think about healthcare for seniors, we might not think of sports therapists. They usually work with athletes and help them stay fit. However, more and more, sports therapists are helping older adults too. So, what can a sports therapist do for seniors? Can they really help make life

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types of physical therapists

Are you considering physical therapy as a career option? Sometimes, you may or may not know what to expect once you become a certified physical therapist. Sure, you might have met a physical therapist or have read several articles on physical therapy(PT). This exposure will only shed light on a

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types of physical therapists

Do you find it harder to move around like you used to? Is chronic pain affecting your daily activities and overall quality of life? Do you wish there was a way to alleviate the pain and improve mobility and overall quality of life? Many seniors face mobility challenges as they

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rehab in home

Let’s face it — taking care of an older parent is far from being easy. Whether they’re recovering from an illness or surgery, you’ll have a long list of care to-do’s to ensure they receive the best care. One option family caregivers often consider as a backup to avoid the

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memory assisted living

Is your senior dad experiencing trouble recalling his name? Does your mom always forget how they’ve gotten home after driving aimlessly? These moments of memory loss can be unsafe, leaving you wondering how you can best take care of loved ones diagnosed with memory loss problems. The cases of dementia

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most common reasons for physical therapy

Physical therapy (PT) is a healthcare profession focused on diagnosing and treating physical impairments, disabilities, and pain through targeted exercises, manual therapy, and other techniques. Physical therapists (PTs) are trained to assess and design individualized treatment plans to improve mobility, function, and overall quality of life. How Can Physical Therapy

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does physical therapy work

If your loved one is having mobility issues, or experiencing a chronic health condition, maintaining their independence or leading a quality life can pose a challenge. They may find it difficult to perform simple everyday tasks like bathing or walking. They may also be prone to depending on medication for

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Memory Care Facility

Dementia, like some other memory loss problems, is a progressive condition. This means that living with someone who has dementia can be challenging and emotionally taxing, but it also involves moments of connection and compassion. Depending on how far progressed your loved one’s condition is, they may often experience memory

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Alzheimer's Nursing Homes

Over time, it may become unsafe for your elderly mom or dad with Alzheimer’s to continue to live at home. Worsened symptoms may make them unable to provide their care, or you or a family caregiver may be experiencing burnout. In such cases long-term care in an Alzheimer’s nursing home

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physical therapy services

As the population ages, the need for high-quality, effective care for older adults has become critical. Physical therapy services offer a lifeline for seniors with mobility challenges. Treatments can help improve mobility, manage pain, and enhance their overall quality of life. By understanding the role and benefits of physical therapy,

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why is physical therapy important

Picture this: your loved one has just come out of surgery, and you hope they will be on their feet as soon as possible. Or they may be recovering from an injury or illness. Physical Therapy will be instrumental in their recovery as it aims to help your loved ones

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what is pt

Prothrombin time or PT is a key part of managing your health, especially as you age. Why? For one, PT tests can help your doctors see how well your blood is clotting. It’s important because blood clots help stop bleeding when you get injured. Blood that forms clots too easily

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outpatient physical therapy

Have you ever wondered how seniors can stay active and independent despite the challenges of aging? Outpatient physical therapy is the answer. This specialized care helps older adults regain strength, improve mobility, and manage chronic conditions. It’s not just about recovery; it’s about enhancing the overall quality of life. But

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physical therapy school

Are you considering a career as a physical therapist? If you are, you may have a million and one questions running through your mind right now. Do I have what it takes to be a physical therapist? Are there physical therapy schools near me? Do I have to relocate? Can

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physiotherapy clinics

Have you ever wondered if physiotherapy clinics hold any value in senior care? As our loved ones age, maintaining mobility and independence becomes essential. It’s not just about easing aches and pains. It’s about enhancing their quality of life. Physiotherapy clinics do more than treat symptoms. They offer a holistic

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memory care vs nursing home

Caring for seniors with dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, or chronic conditions is not an easy task. If you’re the primary caregiver for your elderly loved one, it may be challenging to juggle their care with other responsibilities like family, children, or career. A memory care facility or nursing home may be

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physical therapy

Aging is a natural and beautiful part of life, but with it comes challenges that can affect our strength and ability to move. As the years go by, activities that once felt effortless may become more difficult, and maintaining independence can require extra effort. Yet, the desire to live a

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memory care

Have you ever wondered about your loved ones’ care, especially when they are struggling with memory impairments? You may wonder where to start and whether you are well-equipped to care for them. Realizing that your loved one needs more than you can provide can be a bitter pill to swallow.

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doctor of physical therapy

The words of Joseph Pilates, the founder of Pilates, resonate deeply in the context of aging: ‘One is as young as one’s spine. If your spine is stiff at 30, you are old; if it is flexible at 60, you are young.’ This underscores the crucial role of physical therapists

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physical therapist job description

It’s no secret there’s a shortage of healthcare professionals around the world. Hospitals are understaffed because nurses, caregivers, and doctors are few. The population is aging. The need for skilled professionals who can help seniors improve their quality of life is on the roof. Physical therapists are key players in

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end of life

Are you unsure how to handle end-of-life care for a loved one? You’re in the right place. This guide will help you understand your options and make the best decisions during this difficult time. Let’s take this journey together and ensure your loved one receives the dignity and care they

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hospice company

Aging is a privilege, not many people get to experience. But sometimes, that journey takes an unexpected turn after a loved one gets diagnosed with a terminal illness. The situation can leave you grasping for answers and wrestling with a whirlwind of emotions. Fear, confusion, and sadness can all rise

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Hospice Goals

As your beloved senior’s caregiver, you are looking for their latter days to be as full and enjoyable as the best days they’ve ever had. So, comfort, dignity, and happiness for your loved one are top priorities. Hospices are places of compassion where elderly individuals can enjoy the latter part

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is hospice only for cancer patients

Your elderly loved one is terminally ill, and approaching the end of life. You have heard about hospice care and its benefits, but you also have some concerns about questions and statements such as Hospice is only for cancer patients Choosing hospice means giving up Hospice hastens death In this

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america hospice

When considering hospice care for your loved one, you want to be sure it’s the best type of care for them. Several factors will affect your decision. You need to understand the type of care and what benefits your loved one will get under this care. Additionally, you will have

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final days of life

We are born, and then we die. Death is as natural as birth, and yet, in our modern-day society, we have learned to either fear it, dread it, or at least avoid thinking of it. So, when it happens to a loved one, we often end up feeling stupified, and

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hospice foundation

Imagine your beloved grandmother, who has always been a source of warmth and wisdom, is now battling a serious illness. She struggles with constant pain and finds it challenging to do even the simplest daily activities like getting out of bed, preparing meals, or managing her personal hygiene. This is

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hospice signs of dying

It can be traumatizing and scary to process your loved one’s imminent death. Sometimes, this fear will get in the way of knowing the right things to do during this challenging time. You may only be able to provide the support your loved one requires if you know what to

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terminal disease

Does your heart sink when the doctor says there’s no cure? Anyone can feel lost about what to do next when someone they love receives a diagnosis of a terminal illness. If you’re in the same boat, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed and helpless. You’re not alone. Your loved one

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hospice agencies

If your elderly mom or dad is suffering from a life-limiting or terminal illness, and they have just six months or less to live, hospice care is usually the best care option to ensure the quality of life for their remaining months. However, hospice services provided by hospice agencies are

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hospice definition

Ever wondered what hospice care really is? You’re not alone! It’s a term many of us hear, but don’t fully understand. Let’s clear up the confusion together! In this article, we’re going to unpack what hospice care involves, who it’s for, and how it helps people and their families during

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hospice hospital

When your doctor announces that your loved one has a late-stage disease, it can feel like the world stops turning. The days that once felt mundane take on a new weight and urgency. It’s natural to want to do everything possible to experience comfort, peace, and the highest possible quality

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hospice program

Having a loved one struggling with a terminal illness will take its toll even on the most healthy individual. It’s even more difficult when you know your loved one only has a few months to live. Sometimes, you and your family may find yourselves in unfamiliar territory with your loved

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hospice care at home

Do you have a loved one living with a serious or terminal illness? You likely have questions about what comes next and how to navigate your care options to ensure they maintain high quality of life. Perhaps you’re considering hospice care at home, but what exactly is it? How does

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stages of death

When caring for a loved one in the last stages of life, it’s crucial to understand and know what to expect. Although death is a natural part of life, the process might be unfamiliar to most people. One thing to note is that dying is a gradual process, especially for

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hospice care team

Life-limiting illness is not easy to deal with. It can drastically change our way of living, present us with many daily challenges, and require time and dedication. The hospice care team lends a helping hand in such times. Hospice care is specialized care for people experiencing a serious illness that

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Dealing with cancer is difficult for everyone involved — patients and family alike. There may come a point when the patient stops responding to treatment, or treatment doesn’t help as much. In this case, hospice care may be the right option for your loved one to live the remaining days

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does hospice mean end of life

If you’re like other people, the first thing you’d probably imagine after hearing the term hospice is terminally ill patients with a few weeks to live. Most associate it with dying, but it’s only a myth because not everyone who enrolls in this type of care ends up passing away.

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when death is near

Death is always hard to deal with. During a time as tough as this, it can be difficult to know what to do or how to feel. But having the knowledge that your loved one is nearing the end of their life can give you time to prepare, find comfort,

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what is hospice care

Are you worried sick about your loved one care in their final moments? You don’t have to. Hospice care can relieve pain and other symptoms, and improve quality of life. This comfort care helps you and your loved one focus on what is important — creating cherished moments in those

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What Does Hospice Care Include

When your loved one is facing a terminal illness, it’s not easy knowing you will have to lose them at some point. Although death is a natural part of life, knowing that it can occur within a certain time frame is a daunting one. You may experience different emotions, ranging

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when does hospice care begin

Facing the reality of a loved one’s life journey nearing its end is overwhelming, isn’t it? Deciding on hospice care is a profound step, filled with love, respect, and the desire for peace. But what exactly does this transition look like? As difficult as this decision may seem, hospice care

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Senior Care Jobs in Reno NV

Ever wanted a job that’s not just a job? A job that lets you brighten someone’s day and make a real impact? If you have, you’re about to discover a path that’s both rewarding and meaningful. Senior care jobs in Reno NV offer a chance to do more than work

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Is your loved one retiring soon? While most seniors these days leave the workplace in good health, it’s not an exaggeration to find an assisted or nursing home for them before they retire. Deciding on your loved one’s next home can take months, so the earlier you shortlist your choices,

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Types Of Hospice Care

Hospice care is a special kind of medical care for people who are seriously ill and might not have much time left—maybe around six months or less. Dealing with end-of-life care can be a challenging and emotional journey for both your loved one and the whole family. Instead of trying

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Senior Living Dayton NV

Some of us live nomadic lifestyles, moving from place to place, never staying too long in one area. However, most people may move house only a few times in their lives – going to college, getting married, relocating for a tempting new position, and at retirement. It is not uncommon

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